
5 Ways of Using Chemical-free Mango Recipes

Who doesn't love mango season! 

Mango is the King of fruits and is much loved by young and old. Its alluring smell and flavor bring a smile to everyone's face in hot summers. At every stage of ripeness, mango finds a use, whether it be Panna, pacchadi, or varied mango delicacies. 

It also offers certain helpful benefits, such as reducing cholesterol levels and promoting healthy and glowing skin. This juicy fruit also aids in digestion and protects you from heat strokes. Drinking Aam Panna and mango lassi helps you to keep your body hydrated. You can use both ripe and unripe mangoes for a variety of recipes. You can use mangoes to make pickles, desserts, smoothies, delicious snacks, juices, mango murabba, etc. You can also slice and serve the fruit or blend it with other fruits and beat the summer. 

5 Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, obtained from the fruit of the coconut palm, offers a moisturizing effect on the skin. It is becoming quite popular due to the variety of its uses and health benefits. It also offers various health benefits such as skin health enhancement, weight loss, etc. It is also beneficial in curing hair and skin issues. It also has a significant role in religious and cultural aspects. Basically that two types of coconut oil; refined and virgin. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of virgin coconut oil. But before getting into it, do you know what virgin coconut oil is?

5 Health Benefits of Organic Haldi

In today's world, individuals want to live a healthy and happy life. And to enjoy the optimum quality of life, they engage themselves in various activities that promote their health and keep them free of diseases. The activities include gym workouts, sports consumption of health supplements, etc. But do you know that there are some natural methods to enhance the quality of life and tackle illnesses? 

How To Start An Organic Food Store In India

Organic food is grown organically without using pesticides and fertilizers. Organic food is a natural food and incredibly useful for health. There are no chemicals added to the production and processing of food items. 

Therefore, it does not affect human beings. It is best to use natural techniques in crop production to keep the land fertile and increase crop productivity. Organic farming is profitable to keep our environment friendly. 


“Mother Earth”, as they say in India, has offered us with all possible resources to live a harmonious life. BUT…. what have we offered to her in return.

Rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to pollution, climate change and
wildlife extinction.

Maybe we cannot make a big change, but we can definitely contribute a little bit towards sustaining our planet. More and more people are realizing this and are shifting towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. Even the market today is endorsing such as eco-friendly brands and products. Let’s have a look at some amazing Indian eco-friendly products and how they can enhance our lifestyle.


Are you tired of your chapped dull lips?

Well, it happens to most of us. And then we choose to run after a hundred big products only to end up feeling disappointed. In Fact, sometimes these products tend to increase the problem instead of solving them.

So, I guess it's time to turn towards something natural. After all natural is always better.

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